Project initiation and conception Kefa Oiro, Stephanie Thiersch
Direction, choreography, text Stephanie Thiersch
Dance, choreography, concept Kefa Orio
Dance, performance, choreography Alexandra Naudet
Voguing, vocals, choreography Marie Zoe (alias Marie Buchholz)
Voguing Georgina Philps
Art objects, fashion design, poetry Xenson (alias Ssamson Ssenkaaba)
Musical composition, turntables DJ Elephant Power (alias Nicolas Baudoux)
Musical composition, percussion, beatboxing/vocals Dodo Nkishi
Musical composition, percussion N'Deye Seck
Dramaturgical and academic support Alexandra Karentzos, Fashion & Aesthetics, TU Darmstadt

How does the future dress? With a blinding, loud and purifying surreal fashion concert, the African-European Jitta Collective aims to re-think the heritage of cultural appropriation. In a playful subversive change of perspective, Chombotrope connects elements taken from voguing and modern dancing with beatboxing, rap, drums and turntables. This creates a mix of futuristic identities using an unusual language of dancing that sweeps you away and fascinates. Using an exaggerated and personal practice of self-authorisation, the Collective creates a wormhole between two continents: Tradition and stolen cultural possessions are being linked, twisted and bundled; thus, creating a new narrative. Forbidding and bafflingly lacking in origin, animism is interwoven with science-fiction and the spiritual with technology.

A production by MOUVOIR e.V. Germany & Tuchangamke Group, Kenia. In co-production with the Akademie der Künste der Welt / Köln (ADKDW) as part of the PLURIVERSALE VII, tanzhaus nrw, Nairobi Festival of Performance and Media Arts – NFPMA and Goethe Institut – International Coproduction Fund.

In cooperation with: freihandelszone – Ensemblenetzwerk Köln, GoDo.wnArtsCenter, Nairobi

Funded by: Kunststiftung NRW, NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) / Coproduction Fund for Dance, kindly supported by the Federal Government's Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Ministry for Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Office for Cultural Activities Cologne.